Probably the best example today of the Thai ability to sleep wherever and whenever is the group of workers in the header photo above: three of a dozen or so, taking a nap on the sidewalk after eating lunch and before the whistle called them back to their paving and masonry work.
The two below this are somewhat logical snoozing spots. If I were working at a beach chair concession and things were slow after the morning set-up I'd be tempted to take a quick 40 winks as this guy did, and I got the photo of the woman asleep in the mall atrium stall from a floor above. It was close to closing time on a slow night at the Suan Lum Night Market near Lumpini Park when I took the picture of the man sleeping in his booth.

Perhaps this will show that through the wisdom of Buddhism, Thai's can shut off their "thinker" much easier than us westerners.
Good point - I'd like to think that enters into it. A friend there also suggested it had something to do with growing up in more "communal" surroundings; single room homes where a bedroom was a luxury that few had.
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