The bad news is that I've also been hobbled by a fever, followed by an ongoing intestinal problem that's also managed to keep me either sleeping away large chunks of the day and night and being on the run of a different sort, if you catch my drift. Imodium is my friend, but it's not all that dependable.
My laptop isn't what I'm used to, the version of Photoshop on it is five clicks old and - quite frankly - I'd rather be out gathering new photos and stories to share than doing much at the keyboard. I'm guessing most of you understand!
That said...
Yesterday I had the privilege of attending a party for around 50 children - most of whom live in one of the larger slum areas adjoining Pattaya, and some who are under the care of a charity and are properly provided for, but all of whom have endured more hardships than they deserve.
Near the end of the day there were bowls of ice cream to share, and the kids scattered out to share this somewhat rare treat. Something had tickled the two in the photo to the point that they weren't even aware I was there as the one on the right would say something that would set them off with shrieks of laughter that the camera just couldn't do justice.
I have an over-booked day tomorrow (health allowing) so there will be another day's break here. Back the next, I hope.
Being a retired pediatrician, I love your photos of these children.
Always brings a big smile with a touch of sadness at heir plight.
I took plenty of photos at the party, so there will be more when I can get more of a story together about it.
Thank you also to the folks who shared their remedies with me!
I was told by a doctor that Imodium is ill-advised for a runny tummy. Nature intends for the run to happen in order for the offending organism that infected you to be purged totally from your system. So drink lots of water and stay at home, near the toilet.
If it is necessary to do something about the runs, I find carbon tablets help.
Are you still eating normally? Usually, I find that if I stop eating for 24 hours and only drink sugared tea, it helps immensely.
Thanks for the suggestions, Mack. After feeling more like myself the first half of yesterday I was worse again last evening and am ready to concede defeat and walk into BNH when I'm back through Bangkok tomorrow. I just don't have any more days to stay inside and deal with the symptoms. Hopefully they'll have an idea what's wrong.
Now I am concerned. This has gone on long enough and the Dr at BNH will get to the bottom of it (excuse the pun). They will do a blood work up and take a stool sample and a urine sample and in an hour you will have the info you require.
That hospital Bangkok Nursing Home (BNH) is fantastic. They fixed me again this last trip.
Let me know how you get on okay?
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