Monday, October 10, 2011

Checking In From Paradise

Sunrise - while having coffee and waking up
Thanks for the good wishes, folks, but to save answering any more individual (but thoughtful) messages: I'm just staying a while in a favorite spot in Hawaii.  I've always disliked the somewhat snooty tone many people use when they talk about their "Summer home" or "little vacation place" so rather than risk sounding like a snob I didn't even try.  Sorry.

Early morning rain out over Molokini
I hadn't been back "home" here in a couple of years, and I was overdue in catching up on some basic maintenance, as well as some R-and-R time.  As much as I love Thailand, sometimes The Islands beckon - and this time I answered the siren's call.  We'll see if I'm dashed into the rocks, I guess.

Along with the food, the tropical feel to the place, the beaches and the guilty pleasure of being hidden away there's also the huge plus of an enormous Asian and Pacific Islander population.  As I've said before: sometimes you walk past the scenery, and sometimes the scenery walks past you - even at dusk while taking sunset photos...

Here's hoping all is well with you, wherever you are, and thanks again for checking up on me.  I'm fine, and I'll be back closer to my drives of Thailand photos in a short while. Meanwhile, I'll check in with photos from around here.

An egret flew by my table at brunch this morning

1 comment:

krobbie said...

I've only been to Hawaii twice and thoroughly enjoyed it both times.

On one occasion I was on my way home from Vancouver and Seattle and my elder sister and bro in-law were on their way to LA and my Aunty was also there for a break with her partner.

Given that we are all from the shaky isles of New Zealand it was quite novel for us all to be traveling at the same time, in the same place.

I truly enjoy the place but don't know it well.

Cheers Bao-Bao,