Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tattoos At Suan Lum: Addendum

This older tattoo photo that was to have been in Monday's original post turned up this morning while I was going through Thailand images. It's a good example of of sak yan, the traditional style of tattoo almost always used as a protective defense against harm of one form or another. Again, we'll cover this art form more fully another time, but it didn't seem too late to include this image today.


Was Once said...

I think the harm comes from taking life too seriously, unlike the Thais. That work is beautiful, whether it works or not.

khunbaobao said...

Sak Yan is indeed a spiritual art, no question. By the way, I had to chuckle when I saw you "appropriated" my legal notice (I wrote that) for your blog, but if it helps you on your journey of healing you're welcome to it - as long as that's all you take to use ;-)

Thank you for visiting and commenting.